Barney + flo(w)

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Apothecary Recipes

t o o t h p a s t e

I LOVE this toothpaste.

​6-8 TBSP Distilled Water 

4 TBSP Bentonite Clay

10 drops of stevia

30 drops of Essential Oil(Peppermint, Myrh, Cinnamon, Clove, Lemon, DoTERRA On Guard)

Pinch of Salt

Optional // 

Neem Powder 

Baking Soda

Tumeric powder

You can sub out some of the water for Organic Coconut Oil (melt and cool a bit to add in).

I mix it all in a bowl and then store it in a wee mason jar. Just wet your toothbrush and then dip it in.

d e o d o r a n t

In my search for chemical and aluminum free deodorants I discovered I was sensitive to coconut oil which is in most natural versions. So I did some research and found that this recipe works best for me and it also doubles as my dry shampoo for those in between days. I'm not much on measurements but I get a chili pepper or parmesan shaker from your local kitchen or vintage store and fill it a little over 1/2 way with baking soda and top it off with arrowroot flour then I dump it all in a bowl and stir in my favorite essential oils with a wooden spoon. It's good to use ones that fight bacteria. I typically drop in about 5-10 drops each of rosemary, clary sage and vetiver. I often pop some into a used spice bottle for traveling. Super quick and effective! 

You can also add oil if you like to create more of a paste. Coconut oil is anti-bacterial if it’s a happy for your skin or your favorite carrier oil will do.

f a c e m a s k

I really like making my own mask. There are lots of good ones out there but I like having control over all of the ingredients to swap things in and out seasonally or as my skin changes as well as changing what I mix it with. My favorite right now is Goats Milk Kefir or BioK Original. I'll also mix some with Apple Cider Vinegar to spot treat. You really can't go wrong mixing and matching clays, they are all gentle and effective. See what works for you! Here is my current mix:

2-3 heaping spoons Bentonite Clay

2-3 heaping spoons Green Clay or Rhassoul Clay

2-3 heaping spoons Kaolin Clay or Fullers Earth Clay

1-2 heaping spoons of charcoal

1 heaping spoon of Matcha power

1 heaping spoon of Neem powder

1 spoon ground hibiscus

1 spoon sandalwood powder

Store it in a jar and add water, Organic Goat Kefir, Apple Cider Vinegar to activate and make a paste. Apply to your skin and leave till dry. Rinse and moisturize.

e x f o l i a n t

My sensitive skin is often aggravated by exfoliators but I need them. I've been super happy with this recipe. I love its nutty smell and how well it works! Who knew these little beans were so effective at clearing dead skin cells, cleaning pores, tightening, softening and improving circulation. 

​ground adzuki beans (pre-toasted) from your local bulk section

ground white or brown rice from your local bulk section

kaolin clay

​You need to toast the beans to ensure there is no moisture. I dry toast them in a skillet on the stove, stirring frequently on medium heat for 5-10 minutes. I then grind them in my 'coffee' grinder. Grind the rice as well and then mix them together, adding your clay. I typically eyeball about equal parts rice and beans, a little less clay. It's not an exact science. Store in a jar. 

​To use simply dump a heaping spoonful in your hand + water or Organic milk and rub in gentle circular motions. Rinse. 

s a l v e

This is a great intensive hand cream year round + moisturizer for those dry winter months. It also makes a lovely gift. 

​1/4 cup Shea butter

1/8 cup Almond &/or Avocado oil from your local bulk section

1 TBSP beeswax

20 drops of essential oil 

​I tend to go for earthy, woodsy smells like Frankincense, Cedarwood, Sandalwood & Myrrh but you can absolutely switch it up if you like something brighter or more floral. 

​In a double broiler melt the shea, beeswax and carrier oil stirring as it melts. Allow it to cool for 10 minutes and stir in your essential oils. Pour into a small jar for storage. (It will harden after several hours.)

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