the inner path
opening your heart | the gene keys Venus sequence
This is the deep inner work to heal through and more fully open our hearts through our relationship to ourselves + to others, as well as clearing old ancestral wounds. It is the roll up your sleeves, get down in the muck + sort it through kind of work. It is a path to greater awareness + self acceptance and is not about getting bogged down in our wounds or caught up in victim consciousness but about acknowledgment, acceptance + transmuting energies where needed. We are invited to open our hearts. We are invited to connect to a deeper sense of self love, not in an overplayed pink meme superficial kind of way, but deep in your bones + cells, as your truth.
#1 - 4 is the Incarnation cross found here
(sun + earth modules)
unconscious moon
conscious venus
unconscious mars
Resources: The Gene Keys, The I Ching, Human Design