your unique aura.png

“Everything about Human Design is that the moment that you escape conditioning you escape sameness. And it is the sameness that clouds our mythological potential. It is the uniqueness of operating correctly as ourselves that defines our very mythology and fulfills our lives in a state that in Design we call awake-ness. Simply to be correct as yourself is to be unique and to be one who is fulfilling the potential of their incarnation.”

-Ra Uru Hu, The Founder of Human Design

It has been infinitely helpful for me, not only to know and understand my own Type and Strategy but that of those around me, especially romantic partners. In these workshops you will gain access to:

  • an audio on the Type, Strategy + Not Self Theme

  • journal prompts to unpack and dive deeper

  • loads of additional tools, tips and resources

  • the fears you may encounter based on your energetic aura

  • an audio on sleep hygiene according to your aura

  • an audio for reprogramming + additional support audio

  • 30 days to embodiment

  • any additional info I add will always be available to you

* Not sure of your energy type? You can find out here.

Investment: AN OFFERING