The Fear Gates - Spleen


In Human Design there are twenty gates that fall into the category of Fear Gates within the Ajna, Spleen and Solar Plexus centers. Just because you have one or most likely multiple of these gates defined in your chart does not mean you will necessarily experience this fear but this is where they may show up for you.

If you have them undefined you may find you experience these fears more acutely when in the presence of someone’s aura who does have them defined. With undefined areas in your chart it’s always important to ask yourself: is this mine? Does this fear, emotion, feeling, pressure I’m experiencing actually belong to me?

And if you find you need some guidance and tools around healthy boundaries you can check out this workshop.

It’s also important to remember that all energy has a high vibrational representation and a low vibrational representation. So we always have access to shifting our energy.

the fear gates in the spleen

The Spleen is our center for intuition, time, and survival instincts. Some fears can be healthy and good information that we need to warn us of potential danger or let us know we need to course correct. It’s when our fears are not based in fact, take on a narrative in our life, become a limiting belief that is keeping us stuck or small, or we miss-identify with energy that isn’t even ours that it can become a problem. When we have a lot of gates defined in our Spleen Center we can sometimes be prone to a variety fears. Awareness alone is a powerful key to releasing their hold.

When looking at your Bodygraph (you can grab it for free here) the Spleen center is the triangle farthest to the left. Each number within that triangle represents a gate and if it has a red, black, or red+black line extending from it then it is a defined gate in your chart (or part of a channel if it extends all the way to another center).

48 // Fear of not having depth

In its high expression this is an energy of courage; of doing it even through it feels scary. These folks also typically have great taste both visually and in culinary arts. They may have an intuitive knowing and understanding around beauty and design or a sophisticated palate.

In its low expression one might find they get stuck or don’t move forward for fear they don’t know enough, or get hung up in constantly honing and perfecting their skills that they never actually take action. This is where a little bit of push is healthy. You have to jump even though it’s uncomfortable. Over time you will prove to yourself that you do indeed know enough and are entirely capable.


What information or skills do you need to learn to align with your desires? Is this fact or feeling? Are you standing still in mastering when you know enough to take a step?

Take a step.

57 // Future projecting - fear of the unknown

In its high expression one can connect with instant awareness and clear guidance about what is right for you and what is not. It is the most intuitive gate in Human Design. It brings clarity in the now.

In its low expression one may not notice their intuitive hits and insights or confuse them with ideas in the mind. You may be hesitant to take action for fear of what might happen; spend your time worrying about potential outcomes or not trust yourself.


Take some time to pause to access clarity either through meditation practices, journaling or just sitting quietly with yourself and dropping in. Make space for your higher awareness to come through. Use tools like Breathwork to clear out the mental gunk (and bypass the mind) so you can see more clearly. Recognize that worrying about what hasn’t happened is a way of falsely “fortune telling” and is a cognitive distortion.

44 // Fear of the past

In its high expression 44 is about energy. This person knows how to present things in a way that will be appealing. This is tied to sales whether that’s a product or your own image as an entrepreneur. This is a good energy for people in Marketing. These people also have a strong sense of intuitive smell. This is the energy that can “smell a rat”.

These folx have intuition around patterns; whether the past is worth repeating, whether it’s about to. They can bring awareness to the lessons from the past so they don’t repeat the same mistakes.

In its low expression they have fear of the past catching up to them or of repeating past missteps. And/or always looking over their shoulder afraid that what happened before may happen again. People with an undefined Spleen Center may be more susceptible to this fear.


Where do you limit yourself or stay small because of things that happened in your past?


Are you in integrity with your influence? Do you walk your talk?

50 // Fear of taking on more than they can manage

In its high expression 50 is a love gate. It is caring for the community. This is all nurture through the values that support and preserve. It’s built into who you are. You can tune in to the needs of each situation. It’s important to be mindful of taking care of yourself as well. This person needs to rely on their Strategy + Authority to know how/when to find balance.

In its low expression this gate is deeply afraid (and sometimes riddled with guilt - especially with an open Solar Plexus) around letting people down, failing their responsibilities, particularly when it comes to those closest to them.


This is a ‘put your oxygen mask on first’ kinda vibe. You can’t take care of others unless you are taken care of so schedule time in REGULARLY for yourself whether it’s a massage, warm bath, time to just be quiet - listen to what your body + spirit need and honor it.

32 // Fear of failure

Gate 32 is about continuity - what will create success for you and the collective.

In its high expression you will be able to evaluate the best potentials and determine what goals and dreams are worthy of moving forward. It flows and adapts when change is needed to assimilate, using its intuition to weigh and value any risk.

In its low expression one might find themself pushing too hard for fear of failure: either failing themself or the community. And/or one might feel indecisive and not trust their Strategy and Authority (and intuitive sensel) to know what is right.

One might also feel resistant to change.


Journal around your decision, making sure that you are not being driven by fear. Notice if what is coming up is ‘fact or feeling’. Be patient with these fears and know they will pass if you don’t attach. Listen to your Strategy and Authority to get clear about whether you’re smelling somethign fishy or operating from fear.

28 // Fear of death before discovering the meaning of their life

This gate is the Game of Life. In its high expression it is about entering into the right struggle for you that will be beneficial and ultimately up-level your life. The struggle may be challenging but the result will ultimately be worth it. When you can start approaching struggles with curiosity and even enjoying the process you will find much more ease and aliveness.

In its low expression one can get stuck in a victim mentality feeling like everything is harder for them and that life just isn’t fair (which may feel true if not following their design). They may sink into melancholy or a feeling of emptiness when it feels too hard or the opposite and be too risky.


Explore your purpose through Human Design and self inquiry as well as committing to Shadow work (Shadow workshop in The Collective). Make friends with and integrate all of your darkest aspects.

18 // Fear of authority + judgement

In its high expression this is the gift of accountants and editors; those who can make it better. Who can see the pattern. This is a projected energy so it should be recognized or called out by someone else if it’s going to go over well rather than succumbing to the Root pressure to share their correction without being asked.

In its low expression it’s the fear that it won’t be perfect and potentially staying small or not taking action because they fear not getting it right.


Notice your own patterns. Where are you sabotaging yourself? Repeating the same patterns that are damaging? What patterns would you like to cultivate and encourage?

working with fear

In general, when working with fear your first question should be “is this mine”?

If it’s not then just that awareness will start to help you disconnect. Focus no what is defined and fixed in your chart to detach. Shift to gratitude. Practice healthy boundaries.

If it is then ask it “what are your here to show me, to teach me, what do I need to see/learn here”?

Sit with your discomfort. Know that it’s a wave, that it’s impermanent.

Use the prompts to dig in and find the root.

Move your body to clear stagnation.

Tap into your courage. If the fear is keeping you stuck or small… see the fear and do the thing anyway. Take a step. Don’t let the fears ‘drive your bus’.

You got this!

Find the rest of the Fear Gates inside The Collective! Along with introductions to all 64 gates!

Grab your free guide to your Human Design Bodygraph in Workshops + Free Guides!

amanda barnett