Finding Your Directions


In Feng Shui, within the Eight Mansion school of tradition you have unique directions associated with your Kua Number. Facing these directions as often as possible, as well as activating them with intention, aligned colors and objects, etc.. creates more ease and flow in these areas of your life. The four directions are associated with Success, Health, Relationships/Romance and Wisdom/Higher Learning/Spirituality/Personal Development. You can find your Kua Number, also known as your personal gua, your energy number, or your personal trigram below. I’ve also shared your personal directions based on your number. Your Kua number also denotes certain archetypes that are intrinsic to you with specific supports for your unique energy similar to an energy type in Human Design. I lam loving working with this more personal style of Feng Shui for myself and with clients.

*These are delineated in gender binaries and I would recommend following the gender you most identify with at this time. It is has typically been recommended that you consult your anatomical gender at birth and I would generally recommend this if you identify as non-binary or fluid unless you feel a stronger identification with one or the other.

kua numbers

One can easily calculate their own Kua number but there are different calculations depending on whether you were born before or after the year 2000, your gender, as well as folks born at the beginning of the calendar year, before the Chinese New Year, follow calculations for the year before so I’ve just created a list for your convenience.

your personal directions

No. 1

Success: Southeast

Health: East

Relationships: South

Personal Development: North

Your element is water and your energy is fed by metal.

No. 2

Success: Northeast

Health: West

Relationships: Northwest

Personal Development: Southwest

Your element is Earth and your energy is fed by fire.

No. 3

Success: South

Health: North

Relationships: Southeast

Personal Development: East

Your element is soft wood and your energy is fed by water.

No. 4

Success: North

Health: South

Relationships: East

Personal Development: Southeast

Your element is hard wood and your energy is fed by water.

No. 5

Success: Southwest

Health: Northwest

Relationships: West

Personal Development: Northeast

Your element is Earth and your energy is fed by fire.

No. 6

Success: West

Health: Northeast

Relationships: Southwest

Personal Development: Northwest

Your element is hard metal and your energy is fed by Earth.

No. 7

Success: Northwest

Health: Southwest

Relationships: Northeast

Personal Development: West

Your element is soft metal and your energy is fed by Earth.

No. 8

Success: Southwest

Health: Northwest

Relationships: West

Personal Development: Northeast

Your element is Earth and your energy is fed by fire.

No. 9

Success: East

Health: Southeast

Relationships: North

Personal Development: South

Your element is fire and your energy is fed by wood.

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amanda barnett