the new paradigm + bird of humanity


We hear a lot within the world of Human Design about the new paradigm we are moving into, that we are at a turning point. And, I believe, or like to think, that we make a choice to take human form, that it is a gift given to us, that we chose to come in at this moment in time, with this cosmic imprint, these parents, these relationship dynamics, these challenges to learn and grow (hopefully), to have a human experience to ultimately evolve our soul.

And this time we chose to come into is pivotal. It’s kind of a big deal, albeit not without its challenges. We have been existing and growing for centuries from a very patriarchal, left, yang, masculine lens. It built worlds and advanced us forward in many ways (not to ignore the damage done by the imbalance). We set goals, we stayed focused and we moved strategically toward a future. We worked hard. We built structures, some of which still serve us, and some that do not. We thought collectively and focused on advancing humanity. We measured success in the material. We listened to logic. We followed our minds.

We are being asked now to listen to our bodies, our intuition, as we embrace a more right, matriarchal, yin, feminine energy, that is less about the goal and more about the process. We are being invited to individuate, not contort ourselves to fit in. To create. To embody being rather than misaligned doing. The energy is instinctual and it is a much quicker co-creator. We will be able to tap into powers we have not yet had access to, to communicate in new ways. We are moving into a greater capacity to heal in an instant, to shift our hologram with a thought - which is why, more than ever, we need to watch our thoughts. Are our words (our spell casting) and our thoughts making the world better? Do they invite possibility, potentiality?

While many speak of this in terms of a shift from left to right, a smashing of the patriarchy and a rising up of the matriarchy, in a masculine VS feminine lens, I like to think of it as balance, as a coming into true equality of archetypes that exist within all of us, regardless of gender. I recently read this prophecy and I had never heard the way I felt about it so clearly and poetically articulated:

There is a Cherokee prophecy that speaks about this century. 

It states that the bird of humanity has a male wing and a female wing. 

The bird of humanity has been flying for centuries with primarily only its male wing, the female wing unable to extend. 

Due to this the male or yang wing has gotten overly muscularized, and the bird of humanity has been soaring in circles, unable to fly in the right direction. 

The prophecy says that in the 21st center the female wing will fully extend and express itself entirely in all.

The male, or yang energy, will relax and the bird of humanity will soar. 

How stunning, and how incredible to bear witness as we make our way to truer flight. It is a time for all of us to listen to our bodies, to follow our intuition, to listen in to our hearts and deep inner knowings. It is a time to connect to each other as well as our guides, to ask for signs and then stretch our paths of perception. It is a time to focus less on achievement and more on the journey. It’s a time to unclinch, unfurl… to spread our wings wide, to soften. It is an exhale. A time to recognize our own power as co-creators and to cultivate deeper and more meaningful connections to Spirit and Mama Earth. It is a time to slow down, to follow our joy and natural rhythms. It is a time of returning, to individually + to collectively re-member ourselves.

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