perspective arrow

Your Perspective comes from the bottom right arrow associated with your Mind or Personality Design. The number in the little yellow circle reveals your View and the direction of the arrow dictates your View Perspective. If it faces left you have a Focused perspective meaning you focus on taking in what is interesting to you and if it faces right you have a Peripheral perspective, in a way, taking in everything even if it most of it is of little interest to you.

Your View (which you can also find in the Keynotes) tells you the lens through which you are meant to take things in to reach your Motivation awareness.

The six Views (with transferred View) are:

1 Survival (Want)
2 Possibility (Probability)
3 Power (Personal)
4 Want (Survival)
5 Probability (Possibility)
6 Personal (Power)

As you can see there is a binary pattern. Your transferred View is in direct opposition to your Correct View. Our Transferred View is our distraction. We can slip into this when we are not in our correct Environment, when we are not living according to our energy or following our Strategy + Authority, this is when we get distracted by what we are not. A little bit of distraction isn’t bad but we want to keep coming back to our correct View.

*Not a member and not into DIY, get a Variables reading.


1 survival

A foundational, primal perspective that is focused on self survival. A big part of this View is in just focusing on you and what you need. This points you in the right direction. In some ways you may be driven by fear, noticing what is to be feared and what others are afraid of. Fear can have a negative connotation but not all fear is bad, it alerts us to what needs changing. Following your Strategy + Authority will help pull you out of fear that does not serve you. 

Transferred View/Distraction:
Want- focused on what other people desire and need rather than on yourself. In many ways this is a self centered perspective. It is how you are aligned to see.

2 possibility

This is a really fluid energy of seeing what is possible for yourself and others. You see the what ifs, the infinite possibilities. You can think of this in relationship to the 2nd Color Motivation of Hope. When you are open to all of the possibilities there is a trust and a fluidity in what could be possible.

Transferred View/Distraction:
Probability - more more fixed + rigid about what you think
is going to happen, caught up in expectation rather than embracing the unknown. 

3 power

Seeing power dynamics, the gains and losses, knowing who/what is ahead and what/who is down. This is a View that may actually be served by staying more up to date through resonant news sources if that feels good and you have the bandwidth. See what others are up to without getting caught up in comparison.The cosmic weather could be another example of this, which some Power perspectives find more in alignment for them, or something completely different. At its heart it just means don't get lost in your own bubble and shut everything else out, find your ways to tune into the world that feel good to you.

  • Do you feel in your own power?

  • How do you relate or resonate to power in others? What types of power do you feel in/out of alignment with?

Transferred View/Distraction:
Personal - living in your own bubble, more focused inward rather than looking out at the world.

4 want

See what is needed or lacking in a transpersonal way. They see what is missing or needs doing for others, for their community.

Transferred View/Distraction:
Survival - focused on yourself rather than the group.

5 probability

This is a more rigid idea of a fixed outcome. You see what is likely to happen, how things will unfold.

Transferred View/Distraction:
Possibility - focused more on the what ifs, all the ways it could happen rather than the likely outcome.

6 personal

This is a live in your own bubble kind of vibe. You are very focused on yourself, how things happen for you, and how you like your life. Even so, you may see things, others can’t.

Transferred View/Distraction:
Power - getting all caught up in the news or who’s winning, focused externally rather than internally.