The Variables

The Variables


“Thanks so much for my reading, it’s brought me lots to think about and work from. I love that it feels so personal, you provide such a lovely service, so thank you again.” - Jen

A PDF explaining your Diet/Determination, Environment, Cognition or Spidey-Sense, your Perspective + Motivation according to your Human Design Variables.

Diet/Determination - food (after sleep) is how we are MOST conditioned according to Human Design. This is about how you uniquely feed your brain for wellbeing, clarity, and to access your higher mind and correct perspective. This includes consumption in general, meaning how you consume life in general.

Environment - the place/space/archetype that is most in alignment for you when it comes to your environment. Your happy place that fosters ease and well-being so you can tap into your correct perspective + greater alignment and wellbeing. This includes your Environment Tone which is the heightened sense associated with your Environment which helps you, along with your Strategy + Authority, to feel into what’s right for you.

Cognition - this is your Spidey-Sense. It is your most sensitive and powerful sense for taking in information from the outside world.

Motivation - operating form your correct motivation puts you on your correct path. (and your transferred motivation = your distraction)

Perspective - the way you’re meant to see the world. (and your transferred view = your distraction)

*Variables are a piece of the chart that really require your exact birth time.

If you have any questions feel free to email me at

You can also access all of this information as a member of The Collective here.

This guide is put together personally by me, therefore please allow time to receive your order (typically 2-7 business days). :)

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